| 初大平教授于1982年、1986年分别获南京大学物理学学士、硕士学位,1994年获英国Warwick大学物理学博士并于2006年获剑桥大学文学硕士学位。
Professor Daping Chu is the Chairman of CAPE (Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics) and Head of Photonics and Sensors Group in Cambridge University Engineering Department. He was the Executive Researcher at the Cambridge Research Laboratory of Epson until 2007, where he was responsible for the development of non-volatile ferroelectric random access memories (FRAMs) and inkjet technology for electronics and display fabrications. His research activity has been in the areas of semiconductor devices and materials, nanostructures and properties, non-volatile memory devices, novel display technologies, organic electronics and inkjet fabrication process. Current research interests include 3D phase-only holography for future displays and illuminations as well as optical communications, high brightness transreflective displays, laminated electro-active foils for solar shading and smart facade, flexible/printable electronics, and the development of low costs manufacturing processes.
Research interests
Professor Chu’s research activity has been in the areas of both theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics, semiconductor devices and materials, nanostructures and properties, ferroelectrics non-volatile memory devices, organic electronics and inkjet fabrication process.
His current research includes space light modulation using holography for true 3D displays, digital illumination and optical communications. Combining 3D image reconstruction with full parallax and occlusion effects and spatial interactions in spectrum and time domains will provide participants the immersive experience which never exists before. This is now being explored through research work to increase both spatial and temporal bandwidths and development of new approaches to best utilise the existing technology.
Energy saving, in particular in the built environment, presents a new challenge to electronic/photonic for innovative new technologies. Professor Chu’s research is focusing on the means for both the active modulation of the spatial profile and impact of lighting and the passive control of solar shading and radiation. Various successful approaches, including laminated electro-active foils (LEAFs) for retro-fitting and development at fundamental level of new devices and materials have been demonstrated.
Strategic themes
Energy, transport and urban infrastructure
Device-level research and development of new energy saving and control solutions for the built environment and lighting.
Inspiring research through industrial collaboration
Novel displays for large area and immersive experience; novel displays for true 3D views; and apparatus for solar shading and radiation control.
Other positions
Head of Photonics and Sensors Group
Chairman of Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics (CAPE) with CAPE industrial partners
Founder and CTO of ROADMap Systems
Lu, T and Pivnenko, M and Robertson, B and Chu, D (2015) Pixel-level fringing-effect model to describe the phase profile and diffraction efficiency of a liquid crystal on silicon device. Appl Opt, 54. pp. 5903-5910.
Shrestha, PK and Chun, YT and Chu, D (2015) A high-resolution optically addressed spatial light modulator based on ZnO nanoparticles. LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS, 4. ISSN 2047-7538
Idros, N and Ho, MY and Pivnenko, M and Qasim, MM and Xu, H and Gu, Z and Chu, D (2015) Colorimetric-based detection of TNT explosives using functionalized silica nanoparticles. Sensors (Basel), 15. pp. 12891-12905.
Li, K and Robertson, B and Pivnenko, M and Deng, Y and Chu, D and Zhou, J and Yao, J (2014) High quality micro liquid crystal phase lenses for full resolution image steering in auto-stereoscopic displays. Opt Express, 22. pp. 21679-21689.
Ivry, Y and Durkan, C and Chu, D and Scott, JF (2014) Nano-domain pinning in ferroelastic-ferroelectrics by extended structural defects. Advanced Functional Materials, 24. pp. 5567-5574. ISSN 1616-301X
Ivry, Y and Ivry, Y and Durkan, C and Chu, D and Scott, JF (2014) Nano-domain pinning in ferroelastic-ferroelectrics by extended structural defects. Advanced Functional Materials. ISSN 1616-301X
Jiang, D and Jiang, D and Xu, H and Pivnenko, M and Chu, D (2014) Compact phase shifter based on highly anisotropic liquid crystals for microwave frequency. Electronics Letters, 50. pp. 525-526. ISSN 0013-5194
Robertson, B and Yang, H and Redmond, MM and Collings, N and Moore, JR and Liu, J and Jeziorska-Chapman, AM and Pivnenko, M and Lee, S and Wonfor, A and White, IH and Crossland, WA and Chu, DP (2014) Demonstration of multi-casting in a 1 × 9 LCOS wavelength selective switch. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32. pp. 402-410. ISSN 0733-8724