Graphene Technological Applications: Serving as a Spin Transport Channel or a Substrate for Catalysts



报告题目: Graphene Technological Applications: Serving as a Spin Transport Channel or a Substrate for Catalysts

报告人:焦军 教授


邀请人:陈延学 教授

报告时间:20161115日 下午 14:10



In more than a decade of intensive investigations by a worldwide research community, graphene, a two-dimensional (2D) one-atom thick carbon crystal, has been recognized as a promising material candidate for long-distance communication and spin-logic nanotechnologies. Due to its low intrinsic spin–orbit coupling and negligible hyperfine interaction, graphene is predicted to have a spin coherence length (ls) up to hundreds of micrometers, with spin lifetimes (ts) exceeding a microsecond. In this presentation, the progress and challenges of graphene based spintronic research will be reviewed by demonstration of the results obtained by Prof. Jiao’s group at Portland State University in comparison to those published in the literature.

In this presentation, Prof. Jiao will also introduce an innovative synthesis process called Thermal-Expansion Liquid-Exfoliation Solvothermal-Reaction (TELESR) to synthesize graphene-based multicomponent catalysts for wastewater treatment. This process is an environmentally benign method that is capable of synthesizing graphene-TiO2-based composites, as well as graphene-based palladium (Pd) and gold (Au) bimetal composites suitable for catalytic degradation of various organic pollutants.