Dr. Katsunari Enomoto
日本富山大学 副教授
孙振东 教授
2018-09-27, 16:40
知新楼C702 量子报告厅
Cold molecules in the gaseous phase are promising systems for novel spectroscopy, precision measurements for high-energy physics, and cold collision studies. In this talk, two topics regarding cold molecules will be presented: photoassociation (PA) spectroscopy of ultracold Yb atoms and control of translational motion of cold PbO beams.
PA spectroscopy of ultracold atoms is a powerful tool to investigate vibrational levels near the dissociation limit of a dimer. The scattering length, which determines the ultracold collision crosssection, can be deduced from the PA spectroscopy data. We have precisely determined the scattering lengths for all combinations of Yb isotopes by performing two-color PA spectroscopy. Some other results of PA studies of Yb atoms, such as a purely long-range state due to the hyperfine interaction and an optical Feshbach resonance, will also be presented.
To cool and trap various kinds of molecules, it is needed to develop methods to directly cool the molecules and to control the translational motion. We have proposed a molecular beam focuser and decelerator using a superconducting microwave resonator. We have made such a superconducting resonator by electroplating a Pb/Sn alloy on cylindrical copper resonator, and have confirmed that a strong microwave electric field of about 10 kV/cm can be obtained. Recently, we have successfully demonstrated the focusing of cold PbO beams using the superconducting resonator.
2004-2007京都大学和哈佛大学 博士后
2007-2010富山大学物理系 助教授
2010-现在 富山大学物理系 副教授