报告人:张金星 教授
报告时间:2018年11月14日 下午 4:00
报告地点:知新楼C座702 量子报告厅
邀请人: 颜世申 教授
With the demand of future high-density and low-power consumption electronic/spintronic devices, it gives people a strong impetus to discover functionalities and emerging quantum phenomena with a high spatial resolution. In this talk, I am going to introduce my group in Beijing Normal University, setup since 2012. I shall share some of our recent insights about atomic force microscopy which has been employed on advanced functional materials. I would like to introduce how to characterize and control order parameters such as charge, spin, lattice and their coupling underneath the nanoscale TIPs at multiple atmospheres, which is directly related to the physical and chemical phenomena such as energy interconversion, data storage and so on.
近年来,以通讯作者在Nature Nanotechnology (2篇),Nature Communications (3篇),Advanced Functional Materials (2篇),Physical Review 系列等期刊发表文章,并以主要作者和合作作者在Nature Materials, Science, PNAS等高质量期刊发表文章。参加邀请报告30余次。共发表50余篇论文,引用3700余次。H因子22。2013年9月获自然基金委优秀青年基金。2016年作为首席科学家获得科技部首批重点研发计划项目(青年专项)。目前还作为特邀评审专家评阅美国能源部资助项目。